
Kubernetes operator to manage KMS-encrypted Vault secrets

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Version: 0.4.0

KMS Vault operator


Key Type Default Description
authMethodVariables list [{"name":"VAULT_K8S_ROLE","value":"kms-vault-operator"},{"name":"VAULT_K8S_LOGIN_ENDPOINT","value":"auth/kubernetes/login"}] The set of environment variables required to configure the authentication to be used by the operator. The set of variables will vary depending on the value of vaultAuthenticationMethod and they’re documented here.
aws object {"iamCredentialsSecrets":null,"region":"us-east-1"} The value to set on the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable.
aws.iamCredentialsSecrets string nil A list of environment variables and their references to Secrets that need to be added as environment variables to the operator for KMS operations. Typically either this or .podAnnotations (and/or .validatingWebhook.podAnnotations) is required for AWS authentication.
global.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The imagePullPolicy to be used on both the operator and webhook.
global.imageVersion string "v0.15.0" (string) The image version used for both the operator and webhook.
global.podAnnotations object {} A map of annotations to be set on both the operator and webhook pods. Useful if using an annotation-based system like kube2iam for dynamically injecting credentials.
global.prometheusMonitoring.enable bool false Controls whether the ServiceMonitor objects are created for both the operator and the webhook.
global.prometheusMonitoring.serviceMonitor.customLabels string nil Custom lables to add to the ServiceMonitor objects.
global.resources string nil Map of cpu/memory resources and limits, to be set on both the operator and the webhook.
imagePullPolicy string nil The imagePullPolicy to be used on the operator. Defaults to .global.imagePullPolicy
imageVersion string nil The image version used for the operator. Defaults to .global.imageVersion.
podAnnotations string nil A map of annotations to be set on the operator pods. Useful if using an annotation-based system like kube2iam for dynamically injecting credentials. Typically, either this or .aws.iamCredentialsSecrets is required for AWS authentication.
prometheusMonitoring.enable string nil Create the Service and ServiceMonitor objects to enable Prometheus monitoring on the operator. Defaults to .global.prometheusMonitoring.enable.
prometheusMonitoring.serviceMonitor.customLabels string nil Custom lables to add to the operator ServiceMonitor object.
resources string nil Map of cpu/memory resources and limits, to be set on the operator string "kms-vault-operator" The name of the ServiceAccount to be created.
syncPeriodSeconds int 120 The value to be set on the --sync-period-seconds flag.
tls.certFileName string "ca.crt" The name of the private cert file mounted on .validatingWebhook.tls.mountPath. The default of tls.cert corresponds to the file name generated by cert-manager.
tls.enable bool false Controls whether the operator Vault client should use TLS when talking to the target Vault server.
tls.mountPath string "/tls" The path where the CA cert from the secret should be mounted.
tls.secretName string nil The name of the Secret from which the CA cert will be mounted. This is required if tls.enable is set to true.
validatingWebhook.affinity string nil Affinity/anti-affinity rules for pod scheduling the webhook according to the documentation. This map will be set as is on the Deployment object.
validatingWebhook.caBundle string "Cg==" The base64-encoded public CA certificate to be set on the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Note that it defaults to Cg== which is a base64-encoded empty string. If this value is not automatically set by cert-manager, or some other mutating webhook, this should be set explicitly.
validatingWebhook.certManager.apiVersion string "" The apiVersion of the Certificate object created by the chart. It depends on the versions made available by the specific cert-manager running on the cluster.
validatingWebhook.certManager.duration string "2160h" The value to be set directly on the duration field of the Certificate.
validatingWebhook.certManager.injectSecret bool true Enables auto-injection of a certificate managed by cert-manager.
validatingWebhook.certManager.issuerRef object {"kind":"ClusterIssuer","name":"selfsigning-issuer"} The name and kind of the cert-manager issuer to be used.
validatingWebhook.certManager.renewBefore string "360h" The value to be set directly on the renewBefore field of the Certificate.
validatingWebhook.enabled bool false Deploy the resources to enable the webhook used for custom resource validation. The rest of the settings under validatingWebhook are ignored if this is set to false.
validatingWebhook.failurePolicy string "Fail" The value to set directly on the failurePolicy of the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Valid values are Fail or Ignore.
validatingWebhook.imagePullPolicy string nil The imagePullPolicy to be used on the webhook. Defaults to .global.imagePullPolicy
validatingWebhook.imageVersion string nil The image version used for the webhook. Defaults to .global.imageVersion.
validatingWebhook.namespaceSelectorExpressions list [{"key":"kms-vault-operator","operator":"DoesNotExist"}] A label selector expression to determine what namespaces should be in scope for the validating webhook.
validatingWebhook.podAnnotations string nil A map of annotations to be set on the webhook pods. Useful if using an annotation-based system like kube2iam for dynamically injecting credentials.
validatingWebhook.prometheusMonitoring.enable string nil Create the Service and ServiceMonitor objects to enable Prometheus monitoring on the webhook. Defaults to .global.prometheusMonitoring.enable.
validatingWebhook.prometheusMonitoring.serviceMonitor.customLabels string nil Custom lables to add to the webhook ServiceMonitor object.
validatingWebhook.replicas int 1 Number of replicas of the validating webhook to deploy.
validatingWebhook.resources string nil Map of cpu/memory resources and limits, to be set on the webhook
validatingWebhook.tls.certFileName string "tls.crt"  
validatingWebhook.tls.mountPath string "/tls" The path where the certificate key pair will be mounted.
validatingWebhook.tls.privateKeyFileName string "tls.key"  
validatingWebhook.tls.secretName string "kms-vault-validating-webhook" The name of the Secret that contains the certificate key pair to be used by the webhook. This is only used if validatingWebhook.certManager.injectSecret is set to false.
vault.address string "https://vault:8200" The API endpoint of the target Vault cluster.
vaultAuthenticationMethod string "k8s" The value to be set on the --vault-authentication-method flag.
watchNamespace string "" The value to be set on the WATCH_NAMESPACE environment variable.