
Operator to handle dynamic configuration of

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Version: 0.1.2

Vault dynamic configuration operator


Key Type Default Description
defaultConfiguration object {"dbDefaultTTL":"1h","dbMaxTTL":"24h","dbUserCreationStatement":"CREATE USER ''@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ''; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO ''@'%';","policyTemplate":"path \"secret/\" {\n capabilities = [\"read\"]\n}\n"} The values to be used for the default vault-dynamic-configuration ConfigMap.
defaultConfiguration.policyTemplate string "path \"secret/\" {\n capabilities = [\"read\"]\n}\n" Corresponds to the policy-template field of the default ConfigMap.
flags.annotationPrefix string "" The value to be set on the --annotation-prefix flag.
flags.autoConfigureAnnotation string "auto-configure"  
flags.autoConfigureDBCredsAnnotation string "db-dynamic-creds" The value to be set on the --auto-configuredb-creds-annotation flag.
flags.boundRolesToAllNamespaces bool false If set to true the --bound-roles-to-all-namespaces flag will be set.
flags.targetVaultName string "vault" The value to be set on the --target-vault-name flag.
flags.tokenTTL string "5m" The value to be set on the --token-ttl flag.
imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The imagePullPolicy to be used on the operator.
imageVersion string "latest" The image version used for the operator.
prometheusMonitoring.enable bool true Create the Service and ServiceMonitor objects to enable Prometheus monitoring on the operator.
prometheusMonitoring.serviceMonitor.customLabels string nil Custom labels to add to the ServiceMonitor object.
resources object nil The resources requests/limits to be set on the deployment pod spec template. string "vault-dynamic-configuration-operator" The name of the ServiceAccount to be created.
watchNamespace string "" The value to be set on the WATCH_NAMESPACE environment variable.